The images below show the area that will be bulldozed, an imposing building will rise, along with an ‘energy centre’.
There will be 167 parking spaces, with various Hard playing surfaces filling the rest of the fenced off area.
Outside the fenced area will be various odd shaped and mostly thin areas of land for dog walkers and amenity, that will be ‘Landscaped’.
This gallery of images below taken summer 2016 by a very local resident, show why it should remain land with ‘no formal use’ (as quoted by the applicant), land being classed as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)
As of 01/02/2017 an ‘area’ Tree Preservation Order exists on all trees on the site, regardless of size or age:
Behind the dusty façade of houses – facing the dull concrete of the Great North Way flyover, live ordinary, some long standing – residents, who benefit greatly from this land as it is.
Shouting above the traffic at the front door of their properties they explain that this wild land at the rear provides a much needed haven from which to escape from the constant traffic noise at the front.
The proposed development will bring 7 day a week noise and disturbance to the rear of their properties, it will take away this land and replace it with an imposing building for a view, no doubt flood lit at night …
The land here has also been found to act as a lung for this very polluted part of London – known as Five Ways Corner – and being in an area termed a AQMA (Air Quality Management Area) – with very high concentrations of particulates present.
These pictures, taken by a resident who’s property backs the site, demonstrate the wildlife that exists on this site today: