Planning History

Green Belt Destruction Mill Hill NW7 - Planning History
This is not the first time the boys school has tried to relocate to Copthall, in 1992 a planning application was submitted:
Proposal: Erection of a three-form entry secondary school with parking for 48 cars and construction of 2 vehicular accesses to Page Street.
Decision: Refuse

Reasons for refusal were given as:

  1. The proposed development is not compatible with the principle functions and character of the Green Belt
  2. The proposed development would be prejudicial to the residential and visual amenities that occupiers of neighbouring properties may reasonably expect to enjoy.

Scoping Application – July 2016 Refused

A recent ‘Scoping’ application was submitted February 2016 – this application was dismissed in July 2016, on good and proper grounds.
Here is the Barnet Councils decision letter:

The scoping application documents can be found here:

The girls school however has continued to grow, on land protected by Green Belt policies:

In 1986 an application was approved to expand:

The original document can be found here:

In 1989 an application was approved to expand further:

The original document can be found here:

On 19 December 2001 an application was approved for further expansion:

The original document can be found here:

in 2009 another Planning application was approved:

The original document can be found here:

 Additional information on Hasmonean School planning applications at Copthall can be found here: